"Dogtown" by Mabel Osgood Wright is a charming novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the Waddles family and their many pets, particularly focusing on a clever beagle named Happy and Waddles, the family’s distinguished and dignified dog. Set against the backdrop of a whimsical dog-filled community, the book explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the delightful nature of life shared with animals. The opening of "Dogtown" introduces readers to a delightful afternoon in a quaint rural setting, where various animal characters are at play. We meet Happy, a beagle with a gentle disposition, and Waddles, the Mayor of Dogtown, who is portrayed as a wise protector of canine etiquette. Anne, a young girl in the household, shares a deep bond with both the dogs, hinting at a narrative rich in animal companionship and the joys of country living. Additionally, we encounter Aunt Prue, whose attempt to visit turns into humorous chaos involving cats and dogs, setting the stage for the lively interactions and adventures that are to follow throughout the novel. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Dogtown Being Some Chapters from the Annals of the Waddles Family Set Down in the Language of Housepeople
By Mabel Osgood Wright
"Dogtown" by Mabel Osgood Wright is a charming novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the Waddles family and their many pe...
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About the Author
Mabel Osgood Wright was an American writer and conservationist. She was an early leader in the Audubon movement who wrote extensively about nature and birds.
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