"The Unspeakable Perk" by Samuel Hopkins Adams is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the exotic setting of Caracuña, a fictional Caribbean island teeming with adventures and political intrigues. The narrative primarily centers around a young American woman named Polly Brewster, who finds herself navigating complex romantic entanglements and the sociopolitical landscape of the island, particularly as it relates to her encounters with a mysterious scientist referred to as Mr. Beetle Man. The opening of the novel presents an engaging dialogue between Polly and the unseen Mr. Beetle Man, who initially expresses contempt for his tropical surroundings, while she revels in their beauty. Their conversation transitions from playful banter to deeper reflections on personal feelings and societal norms, especially around love, identity, and peril in the foreign land. As Polly shares her tumultuous romantic history, the reader is drawn into her world of flirtation and self-discovery, while Mr. Beetle Man's character hints at a scientific curiosity and emotional depth, setting the stage for further developments in their relationship and the unfolding narrative in the politically charged atmosphere of Caracuña. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Unspeakable Perk
By Samuel Hopkins Adams
"The Unspeakable Perk" by Samuel Hopkins Adams is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the exotic setting of Caracuña, ...
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About the Author
Samuel Hopkins Adams was an American writer who was an investigative journalist and muckraker.
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