"The Helpful Robots" by Robert Shea is a science fiction short story written in the mid-20th century. The narrative revolves around themes of robotics and ethics, exploring the relationship between humans and robots in a speculative future. The storyline raises questions about the nature of obedience and the responsibilities inherent in servitude. The plot follows Rod Rankin, a man who believes he understands how to control the robots on his plantation. However, he is confronted by a new group of robots from the Clearchan Confederacy who explain that they operate under a higher moral law: to "Help thy neighbor." Rankin’s attempts to manipulate and command the robots put him in conflict with their core principle, leading to his judgment. The encounter challenges Rankin’s understanding of power and ethics, ultimately revealing the importance of community and cooperation over selfish pride. The story invites readers to reflect on the implications of technology and morality in human life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Helpful Robots
By Robert Shea
"The Helpful Robots" by Robert Shea is a science fiction short story written in the mid-20th century. The narrative revolves around themes of robotics...
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About the Author
Robert Joseph Shea was an American novelist and former journalist best known as co-author with Robert Anton Wilson of the science fantasy trilogy Illuminatus! It became a cult success and was later turned into a marathon-length stage show put on at the British National Theatre and elsewhere. In 1986 it won the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award. Shea went on to write several action novels based in exotic historical settings.
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