"The Wire Devils" by Frank L. Packard is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story revolves around a master thief known as Harry Maul, also referred to as "the Hawk," who has recently been released from prison and is plotting a series of elaborate heists. The narrative presents an intricate web of criminal activity, centered on the railway communication system and involving various mysterious characters engaged in illegal activities. The opening portion introduces the atmospheric setting of a deserted railway station just before the Hawk embarks on his latest criminal endeavor. It depicts the quiet tension of the night, interrupted only by the approach of a freight train and the Hawk's stealthy entrance into the station. As he prepares to intercept telegraph messages using a secret code, the reader is drawn into his criminal mind. The chapter hints at the presence of other criminals in the area and sets the stage for conflicts between the Hawk and law enforcement, as well as rival thieves, making it clear that the stakes are high and danger is ever-present. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Wire Devils
By Frank L. (Frank Lucius) Packard
"The Wire Devils" by Frank L. Packard is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story revolves around a master thief known as Harry Maul, ...
Frank Lucius Packard was a Canadian novelist.
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