"A Courier of Fortune" by Arthur W. Marchmont is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in a tumultuous setting, likely during a period of political unrest, and follows the protagonist, Gerard de Cobalt, a young nobleman who assumes a false identity while embroiled in a conspiracy against a tyrannical governor, the Duke de Rochelle. As tensions rise in the town of Morvaix, Gerard's actions intertwine with the lives of several key characters, including the spirited Gabrielle de Malincourt, whose impending marriage to Gerard complicates matters further. The opening of "A Courier of Fortune" sets the stage by introducing a heated scene in the market place of Morvaix, where townsfolk are agitated over the governor's oppressive policies. Gerard, hiding his true identity, observes the excitement and soon meets with his companions, Pascal and Dubois, to strategize against the governor's cruelty, particularly in response to a recent murder of a local smith who protested a new food tax. As the plot progresses, relationships begin to develop, particularly between Gerard and Gabrielle, proving that the stakes are high both in matters of political intrigue and personal romance. The tension mounts as darker schemes unfold, hinting at betrayal and the struggle for justice in the face of tyranny. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Courier of Fortune
By Arthur W. Marchmont
"A Courier of Fortune" by Arthur W. Marchmont is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in a tumultuous setting, like...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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