"The Vagrant Duke" by George Gibbs is a novel that appears to be written in the early 20th century. It follows the story of Peter Nicholaevitch, a Russian Grand Duke navigating life after fleeing his homeland in the wake of revolution. Disguised as Peter Nichols, he embarks on a journey to America, grappling with his new identity while seeking stability and purpose amidst chaos and uncertainty. At the start of the novel, Peter's life is upheaved as he escapes from conflict in Russia, driven by a desire to start anew. The opening scenes introduce us to a significant crisis he confronts, with his home being attacked by angry villagers. After a narrow escape from violence, he disguises himself and boards a refugee ship to America. Upon arrival, he adopts the name Peter Nichols and begins to integrate into his new surroundings while harboring the memories and burdens of his past. His adventures lead him to an intriguing job opportunity in New Jersey, where he will oversee a large estate and its mysterious owner, Jonathan K. McGuire, entangling him further in a web of secrets and dangers that lie ahead. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Vagrant Duke
By George Gibbs
"The Vagrant Duke" by George Gibbs is a novel that appears to be written in the early 20th century. It follows the story of Peter Nicholaevitch, a Rus...
George Fort Gibbs was an American author, illustrator, artist, and screenwriter. As an author, he wrote more than 50 popular books, primarily adventure stories revolving around espionage in "exotic" locations. Several of his books were made into films. His illustrations appeared prominently in such magazines as The Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal, Redbook and The Delineator. He also illustrated some of his own novels, and the novels of others. As a painter he produced many portraits, and painted murals for Pennsylvania Station and Girard College in Philadelphia. His screenwriting credits include a film about the life of Voltaire.