"The Consul" by Richard Harding Davis is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story revolves around Henry Marshall, an aging and somewhat forgotten American consul serving in the isolated and swampy town of Porto Banos in Colombia. As he navigates the challenges of an ungrateful and politically influenced system, the book explores themes of loyalty, ambition, and the complexities of duty versus personal integrity. The narrative centers on Marshall's life as a long-serving diplomat, respected for his dedication but increasingly marginalized in the changing landscape of American politics. While awaiting the arrival of a distinguished senator and his party, Marshall grapples with feelings of isolation and obsolescence. However, when circumstances force him to confront a senator's attempt to bend the rules for personal gain, Marshall stands firm in his principles, ultimately leading to a surprising turn of events. By the end, he finds redemption as he is appointed to a prestigious position, highlighting the triumph of integrity over political maneuvering. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Consul
By Richard Harding Davis
"The Consul" by Richard Harding Davis is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story revolves around Henry Marshall, an aging and somewha...
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About the Author
Richard Harding Davis was an American journalist and writer of fiction and drama, known foremost as the first American war correspondent to cover the Spanish–American War, the Second Boer War, and World War I. His writing greatly assisted the political career of Theodore Roosevelt. He also played a major role in the evolution of the American magazine. His influence extended to the world of fashion, and he is credited with making the clean-shaven look popular among men at the turn of the 20th century.
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