"Asleep in Armageddon" by Ray Bradbury is a science fiction short story set in the mid-20th century. The narrative revolves around a space traveler, Leonard Sale, who crash-lands on a seemingly tranquil planetoid after an accident in space. The story explores themes of isolation, the nature of consciousness, and the haunting specters of war that resonate within Sale's mind as he grapples with his impending rescue and the psychological turmoil from being trapped with ancient warrior spirits. The plot delves into Sale’s battle against the encroaching insanity brought on by sleep deprivation and the haunting voices of two ancient warriors, Iorr and Tylle, who seek to use his consciousness to relive their own eternal conflict. As Sale fights to stay awake, the story captures his descent into madness, illuminated by his interactions with the voices symbolizing humanity's violent past, ultimately leading to a tragic climax when he succumbs to sleep just as rescue arrives. In the end, the chilling irony of his fate underscores the profound psychological horror that mirrors the larger themes of war and human suffering that permeate Bradbury's work. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Asleep in Armageddon
By Ray Bradbury
"Asleep in Armageddon" by Ray Bradbury is a science fiction short story set in the mid-20th century. The narrative revolves around a space traveler, L...
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About the Author
Ray Douglas Bradbury was an American author and screenwriter. One of the most celebrated 20th-century American writers, he worked in a variety of genres, including fantasy, science fiction, horror, mystery, and realistic fiction.
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