"The Mouse and The Moonbeam" by Eugene Field is a children's story written in the early 20th century. This charming tale combines elements of fantasy and Christmas folklore, focusing on the whimsical experiences of a little mauve mouse during Christmas Eve. The narrative explores themes of belief, innocence, and the joys of the holiday season. The story centers around a little mauve mouse who is excited for Christmas and believes in the magic of Santa Claus. As she shares her thoughts with an old clock, she recounts the cautionary tale of her sister, Squeaknibble, who doubted Santa Claus and met a tragic end at the hands of a cunning cat. In between, a moonbeam weaves a narrative about a shepherd boy named Dimas and his encounter with the little Master on a hilltop, connecting the themes of faith and redemption. Ultimately, the story underscores the importance of belief in good and the enduring spirit of Christmas, culminating in a poetic reflection on joy and the celebration of Christ's birth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Mouse and The Moonbeam
By Eugene Field
"The Mouse and The Moonbeam" by Eugene Field is a children's story written in the early 20th century. This charming tale combines elements of fantasy ...
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About the Author
Eugene Field Sr. was an American writer, best known for his children's poetry and humorous essays. He was known as the "poet of childhood".
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