"Spaceman's Luck" by George O. Smith is a science fiction novel written during the early 1950s. The story revolves around space travel and the pursuit of wealth, reflecting the era's fascination with space exploration. The principal focus is on the protagonist's quest for personal gain rather than glory or adventure as he embarks on a mission to the Moon. The plot centers on Gordon Holt, an astronaut who aims to profit from his lunar expedition rather than seek fame. As he crash-lands on the Moon, he cleverly manipulates the situation, knowing that a rescue operation will ensue. Despite his resourcefulness and preparation, he becomes an object of worldwide concern, prompting governments and people to rally for his rescue. The story explores themes of human ingenuity, the nature of fame, and how society reacts in times of crisis while Holt grapples with the reality of his situation and the potential consequences of his calculated risks. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Spaceman's luck
By George O. (George Oliver) Smith
"Spaceman's Luck" by George O. Smith is a science fiction novel written during the early 1950s. The story revolves around space travel and the pursuit...
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About the Author
George Oliver Smith was an American science fiction author. He is not to be confused with George H. Smith, another American science fiction author.
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