"The White Squall: A Story of the Sargasso Sea" by John Conroy Hutcheson is a novel written in the mid-19th century. The story revolves around Tom, a thirteen-year-old boy whose father, a Naval Officer on half-pay, has settled in the West Indies. The narrative opens with Tom's anticipation of news from England and his eagerness to accompany his father on an adventuresome journey that includes encounters with nature and maritime mishaps, such as a white squall that leads to a capsized vessel. At the start of this book, Tom is shown anxiously waiting for news from a mail steamer in the Caribbean, revealing his desire to enter the Navy. He interacts with several characters, including his lively servant Jake and the stoic Pompey, who fetches his daily rum. As the weather shifts dramatically, the narrative sets the stage for excitement and tension, culminating in an accident that leaves Tom injured and in recovery. This opening offers readers a glimpse of Tom's adventurous spirit and his relationships against the backdrop of the vibrant, sometimes perilous, West Indies, establishing the groundwork for his forthcoming journeys. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The White Squall: A Story of the Sargasso Sea
By John C. (John Conroy) Hutcheson
"The White Squall: A Story of the Sargasso Sea" by John Conroy Hutcheson is a novel written in the mid-19th century. The story revolves around Tom, a ...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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