"The Red House Mystery" by Duchess is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds around the ominous and uninviting Red House, amplifying its bleak atmosphere through detailed descriptions of the environment and its inhabitants. Central characters include Dr. Darkham, a conflicted physician, his coarse wife Mrs. Darkham, their troubled son Edwy, and Agatha Nesbitt, a beautiful young woman whose path crosses with theirs, hinting at potential romantic entanglements and deeper conflicts. The opening of the novel establishes a dark and heavy mood as it describes the Red House, marked by its isolation and lack of natural beauty. We meet the Darkhams inside struggling with their discontent; Mrs. Darkham is depicted as resentful and coarse, while Dr. Darkham grapples with disdain for their life together and loathes the deformities of their son, Edwy. This discontent leads to a tense conversation between the couple that reveals their troubled marriage, hints of infidelity, and foreshadows the conflict that will envelop their familial relationships. The introduction of Agatha Nesbitt as a character offers a glimpse of hope and beauty, setting the stage for dramatic developments as their lives inevitably intertwine. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Red House Mystery The Piccadilly Novels
By Duchess
"The Red House Mystery" by Duchess is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds around the ominous and uninviting Red House, amplif...
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About the Author
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, née Hamilton,, was an Irish novelist whose light romantic fiction was popular throughout the English-speaking world in the late 19th century.
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