"Pursuit" by Lester Del Rey is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story revolves around Wilbur Hawkes, a man who is caught in a mysterious and terrifying situation, having lost his memory for the last seven months, during which dark and inexplicable events transpired. As he navigates the dangers of being pursued, he grapples with his fractured consciousness and the lurking threat of unknown forces. The opening of the novel presents Wilbur Hawkes awakening from a nightmare filled with dread and confusion, panicking upon discovering that time has slipped away from him. He senses he is being hunted and experiences bizarre occurrences around him that hint at something sinister. As he frantically attempts to escape his pursuers, he encounters various elements of danger, including destruction at his apartment and strange, extraordinary events that defy logic. His journey unfolds with a mix of suspense, urgency, and an exploration of darker themes concerning memory, fear, and identity, setting the stage for a thrilling narrative. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Lester Del Rey
"Pursuit" by Lester Del Rey is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story revolves around Wilbur Hawkes, a man who is caught in a m...
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About the Author
Lester del Rey was an American science fiction author and editor. He was the author of many books in the juvenile Winston Science Fiction series, and the fantasy editor at Del Rey Books, the fantasy and science fiction imprint of Ballantine Books, subsequently Random House, working for his fourth wife Judy-Lynn del Rey’s imprint, Del Rey.
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