"Noble Redman" by Jesse F. Bone is a science fiction novel that appears to have been written in the mid-20th century, during the era when the genre was gaining significant popularity. The story revolves around a unique character named Noble Redman, who is intricately linked to themes of identity, survival, and the remnants of a human society branching from Earth into space. It explores the conflicts and interactions that arise in a future where individuals from the Earth – a now dangerous and forbidden planet – seek to reclaim their heritage and acquire technological advancements from other worlds. The narrative follows Cyril Wallingford, a Martian guide who encounters Noble Redman in Marsport. Initially drawn by Redman's abundance of gold, Wallingford soon realizes that Redman is hiding a much deeper connection to Earth and its dark past. As they become embroiled in tense gambling games and eventually evade the Galactic Patrol together, the story reveals rich layers about Redman's true origins and the consequences of their interaction. Redman's innate abilities, his quest for knowledge, and the implications of revealing the existence of Earthmen create an intricate plot that weaves themes of greed, desperation, and the quest for identity against a backdrop of a richly imagined futuristic landscape. Ultimately, the collision of their worlds sets off a chain of events that highlights the evolving relationships between humans across the galaxy, culminating in an exploration of belonging and the painful legacy of Earth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Noble Redman
By Jesse F. (Jesse Franklin) Bone
"Noble Redman" by Jesse F. Bone is a science fiction novel that appears to have been written in the mid-20th century, during the era when the genre wa...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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