"The Princess And The Jewel Doctor" by Robert Hichens is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative revolves around Princess Danischeff, whose beauty and charm are overshadowed by her deep-seated fear of losing her sight, a fate that has befallen her family. The story explores themes of obsession and the lengths one might go to obtain the illusion of safety, particularly in the context of her experiences in Tunis and her encounters with a mysterious jewel doctor. In the tale, the Princess travels to Tunis seeking refuge and finds herself drawn to a peculiar figure known as Safti, the "jewel doctor," who claims to cure ailments with gemstones. Desperate to avert her fear of blindness, she borrows a small emerald ring under the belief it can protect her sight. As the story unfolds, her attachment to the emerald deepens, leading to moral dilemmas and a sense of impending consequence. The narrative builds towards a climax where the Princess attempts to escape back to Russia, but in a twist of fate, the emerald reverts to Safti, signifying the inescapable ties between her desires and her conscience. The novel intricately examines the interplay between wealth, superstition, and the human condition. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Princess And The Jewel Doctor 1905
By Robert Hichens
"The Princess And The Jewel Doctor" by Robert Hichens is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative revolves around Princess Danischeff,...
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About the Author
Robert Smythe Hichens was an English journalist, novelist, music lyricist, short story writer, music critic and collaborated on successful plays. He is best remembered as a satirist of the "Naughty Nineties".
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