"The Cruise of the Sally D" by James Otis is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a young boy named Sam Cushing, who struggles under the harsh treatment of his stepfather, Captain Doak, aboard the shabby schooner, the Sally D. Sam's life takes a turn when he receives guidance from Uncle Ben, a local lobster catcher, who offers him a chance for a better life, ultimately leading to a significant conflict with his abusive stepfather. At the start of the narrative, we meet Sam expressing his distress about living aboard the Sally D. under Captain Doak's rule. He confides in Uncle Ben about his discontent and dreams of escaping. Uncle Ben encourages Sam to consider running away while he plans a confrontation with Captain Doak, emphasizing the importance of tackling the captain's oppressive behavior. This opening sets the stage for both Sam’s internal conflict and the brewing tension between Uncle Ben and Captain Doak, foreshadowing the challenges that the characters will face as they seek freedom and justice on Apple Island. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Cruise of the Sally D
By James Otis
"The Cruise of the Sally D" by James Otis is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a young boy named Sam Cus...
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About the Author
James Otis Kaler was an American journalist and author of children’s literature. He wrote under the name James Otis.
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