"The Lunatic at Large" by J. Storer Clouston is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Dr. Twiddel, a young and somewhat naive medical practitioner who is offered a lucrative opportunity to accompany a wealthy patient, Mr. Mandell-Essington, a man experiencing a mental health crisis. While the premise suggests an exploration of mental illness and social class, it also hints at a lively cast of characters and the comedic potential of Dr. Twiddel's interactions with both his patient and his charming, roguish friend, Robert Welsh. At the start of the narrative, Dr. Twiddel is in his shabby consulting room in London when he receives a visit from his friend Welsh, who attempts to persuade Twiddel to accept the job offer. The letter from Dr. Watson outlines his potential patient's mental instability—along with hints of suicidal tendencies—which raises Twiddel's apprehension about taking on such a responsibility. Welsh's boisterous personality contrasts with Twiddel's anxious disposition, leading to humorous exchanges. As the story unfolds, it introduces the enigmatic Mr. Beveridge, a patient at Clankwood asylum, and foreshadows an adventure filled with social satire, mischief, and the unexpected experiences that come with caring for those deemed 'mad' in society. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Lunatic at Large
By J. Storer (Joseph Storer) Clouston
"The Lunatic at Large" by J. Storer Clouston is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Dr. Twiddel, a young and somewhat...
Joseph Storer Clouston OBE was a Scottish author and historian.
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