"Hitting the Line" by Ralph Henry Barbour is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. This engaging story revolves around young boys and their adventures, particularly focusing on the characters Monty Crail and his acquaintances as they navigate life at Grafton School. The book delves into themes of friendship, growth, and competition, woven into a narrative rich with youthful exuberance. The opening of "Hitting the Line" introduces us to two boys, Dudley Baker and Jimmy Logan, who arrive in New York City and witness a bullying incident between two newsboys. They meet Monty Crail, a newcomer with a charmingly fresh perspective, who intervenes in the situation with a mix of humor and courage. The scene sets an engaging backdrop for their friendship as they travel together to Grafton School, where Monty hopes to find his place and integrate into a new and challenging environment. This opening establishes the dynamic relationships and the spirited yet competitive atmosphere that will unfold as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Hitting the line
By Ralph Henry Barbour
"Hitting the Line" by Ralph Henry Barbour is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. This engaging story revolves around young boys and thei...
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About the Author
Ralph Henry Barbour was an American novelist, who primarily wrote popular works of sports fiction for boys. In collaboration with L. H. Bickford, he also wrote as Richard Stillman Powell, notably Phyllis in Bohemia. Other works included light romances and adventure.
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