"The Girl Scouts' Motor Trip" by Edith Lavell is a children's adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around a group of Girl Scouts, particularly Marjorie Wilkinson, as they embark on a thrilling journey across the country in two cars. The narrative showcases themes of friendship, independence, and the spirit of adventure typical of the Girl Scout ethos. At the start of the story, we are introduced to the excited interactions of Marjorie, Lily, and their fellow scouts as they discuss the exciting opportunity to travel to California, funded by Marjorie's wealthy aunt. The girls are particularly motivated by the promise of receiving their own cars if they successfully complete the trip without help from men. As the girls make plans for the journey ahead, they set the stage for an adventure filled with camaraderie and challenges, culminating in their stay at Mae's home, a fellow scout recently married and now living in a charming house. The initial chapters lay the foundation for the girls' upcoming escapades, establishing their determination, optimism, and the fun dynamics among the group. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Girl Scouts' Motor Trip
By Edith Lavell
"The Girl Scouts' Motor Trip" by Edith Lavell is a children's adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around a group of G...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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