"The Lion's Whelp: A Story of Cromwell's Time" by Amelia E. Barr is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. Set during the tumultuous period of the English Civil War, the story explores themes of faith, loyalty, and the complexities of personal and political allegiances. The narrative introduces readers to the Swaffham family, particularly Jane Swaffham and her interactions with friends and foes in the context of the broader civil conflict led by Oliver Cromwell. The beginning of the novel establishes the historical backdrop, rooted in the 17th century, as we are introduced to Swaffham Manor House and the political and social climate of the time. Captain Israel Swaffham, a devoted follower of Cromwell, has left home to serve in the Civil War, leaving his wife and daughter to manage the estate. The opening chapters depict the tension wrought by war, highlighting Jane's strong will as she navigates the complexities of her family's loyalties and personal relationships, especially with her friend Matilda de Wick. The conversations between the characters reveal their differing perspectives on the war and the political turmoil surrounding them, foreshadowing the challenges they will face as the story unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Lion's Whelp: A Story of Cromwell's Time
By Amelia E. Barr
"The Lion's Whelp: A Story of Cromwell's Time" by Amelia E. Barr is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. Set during the tumultuous per...
Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr was a British novelist and teacher. Many of the plots of her stories are laid in Scotland and England. The scenes are from her girlhood recollection of surroundings. Her works include, Jan Vedder's Wife, A Border Shepherdess, Feet of Clay, Friend Olivia, The Bow of Orange Ribbon, Remember the Alamo, She Loved a Sailor, A Daughter of Fife, The Squire of Sanddal Side, Paul and Christina, Master of His Fate, The Household of McNeil, The Last of the Macallisters, Between Two Loves, A Sister to Esau, A Rose of a Hundred Leaves, A Singer from the Sea, The Beads of Tasmer, The Hallam Succession, The Lone House, Christopher and Other Stories, The Lost Silver of Briffault.