"The Last of the Flatboats" by George Cary Eggleston is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins in a vibrant small town along the Ohio River, Vevay, Indiana, and follows a group of resourceful boys led by young Phil Lowry, as they embark on an adventurous journey down the Mississippi River on a self-built flatboat. Their adventure is both a quest for profit and a tale of camaraderie, focusing on themes of friendship, tenacity, and the spirit of adventure in the face of challenges. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to the spirited and intelligent lowry brothers, Ed and Phil, along with their friends, who are engaged in a salvage operation recovering pig-iron from a wrecked barge. Phil's persistence leads them to discover valuable artifacts underwater. As they celebrate their success, the boys hatch a plan to build a flatboat and take it down to New Orleans for profit. They are joined by Jim Hughes, a mysterious figure who expresses an eagerness to serve as a pilot. Tension arises as they grapple with Hughes's questionable behavior and intentions, setting the stage for their journey filled with excitement, unexpected challenges, and the vibrant environment of the Mississippi River. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Last of the Flatboats A Story of the Mississippi and Its Interesting Family of Rivers
By George Cary Eggleston
"The Last of the Flatboats" by George Cary Eggleston is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins in a vibrant small town along the ...
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About the Author
George Cary Eggleston American writer and brother of fellow writer Edward Eggleston (1837–1902). Sons of Joseph Cary Eggleston and Mary Jane Craig. After the American Civil War he published a serialized account of his time as a Confederate soldier in The Atlantic Monthly. These serialized articles were later collected and expanded upon and published under the title "A Rebel's Recollections."
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