"Down the Slope" by James Otis is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story focuses on Fred Byram, a young breaker boy who begins work in a coal mine, facing adversity and bullying from his peers. As he navigates the harsh realities of working conditions and the dangers posed by a group known as the "regulators," Fred showcases determination and resilience. The opening of the book introduces Fred as he starts his first day at the mine. He quickly encounters Sam Thorpe, another youth who warns him about the rough nature of the boys in this workplace. Fred learns about the exploitative dynamics in the mine, specifically the unwritten rule among the boys that new employees must pay 'footing' or face physical harassment. When Fred refuses to comply, he is bullied, beaten, and eventually thrown into an abandoned mine shaft by Skip Miller and his gang. As the story unfolds, readers are drawn into Fred's struggles against the mob mentality of his peers and the looming threat of danger underground, amplifying the tension and sense of urgency as Fred grapples with survival and courage in the face of fear. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Down the Slope
By James Otis
"Down the Slope" by James Otis is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story focuses on Fred Byram, a young breaker boy who begins work in a ...
James Otis Kaler was an American journalist and author of children’s literature. He wrote under the name James Otis.
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