"The Shears of Destiny" by Leroy Scott is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Henry Drexel, a young American businessman, who finds himself entangled in a web of political intrigue and romance during his visit to Russia, where his cousin Alice is set to marry Prince Berloff. As events unfold, Drexel encounters a mysterious young woman, whose presence not only sparks his interest but also leads him into dangerous situations involving revolutionary forces. The opening of the book sets the stage for Drexel's journey as he travels to St. Petersburg, reflecting on his business aspirations and family connections while ignoring the surrounding revolutionary tensions. Upon encountering a beautiful woman in his train compartment, their brief interaction turns into a moment of tension when a captain of the gendarmerie conducts a passport check, threatening her safety. In a display of unexpected courage, Drexel intervenes, claiming her to be his wife, which marks the beginning of a dramatic twist. As they share a fleeting connection, the young woman gracefully expresses her gratitude while subtly hinting at deeper ties to the tumultuous political landscape. This promises a tale rich with intrigue and romance, setting the stage for their intertwined destinies amidst the complexities of early 20th-century Russia. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The shears of destiny
By Leroy Scott
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
"The Shears of Destiny" by Leroy Scott is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Henry Drexel, a young American business...
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About the Author
Leroy Scott was an American writer of novels and screenplays.
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