"Manners and Customs of the Thrid" by Murray Leinster is a science fiction novella written in the early 1960s. The narrative explores the complexities of a unique alien society populated by the Thrid, a race that prides itself on its intelligence and claims to never make mistakes. Set on the planet Thriddar, the story delves into themes of governance, the implications of absolute authority, and the moral dilemmas faced by individuals who find themselves trapped in a rigid social hierarchy where deviation from authority can lead to dire consequences. The plot centers around Jorgenson, a human trader on Thriddar who becomes embroiled in the bizarre customs of the Thrid after he publicly contradicts their supreme ruler known as the Grand Panjandrum. Facing the threat of being vanished from all rational creation due to this offense, he takes refuge on a remote island with Ganti, a fellow Thrid who has suffered at the hands of the local authorities. Together, they devise a daring escape plan leveraging Ganti's understanding of their society's flaws. Ultimately, their successful bid for freedom exposes the absurdities of the Thrid's belief in their unfailing governance and leads Ganti to seize power within his community, illustrating the chaotic interplay between authority and rebellion. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Manners and Customs of the Thrid
By Murray Leinster
"Manners and Customs of the Thrid" by Murray Leinster is a science fiction novella written in the early 1960s. The narrative explores the complexities...
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About the Author
Murray Leinster was a pen name of William Fitzgerald Jenkins, an American writer of genre fiction, particularly of science fiction. He wrote and published more than 1,500 short stories and articles, 14 movie scripts, and hundreds of radio scripts and television plays.
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