"The Camp Fire Girls at Half Moon Lake" by Margaret Vandercook is a novel written in the early 20th century. This engaging tale follows a group of young girls, members of a Camp Fire group, as they navigate adventures in the picturesque Adirondack wilderness. The story introduces two prominent characters, Mary Gilchrist, a confident outdoor girl, and Bettina Graham, who have embarked on an autumn excursion that sets the stage for unexpected encounters and personal growth. At the start of the novel, the two girls are on a trail in the vibrant fall foliage, discussing their situation and exhibiting a sense of camaraderie. Their journey leads them to discover a young man, Allan Drain, who is lost in the woods and seemingly at odds with their rugged outdoor lifestyle. The opening chapters reveal themes of adventure, friendship, and self-discovery as the characters adjust to their surroundings and confront their feelings toward one another, hinting at further developments in their relationships and adventures at Half Moon Lake. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Camp Fire Girls at Half Moon Lake
By Margaret Vandercook
"The Camp Fire Girls at Half Moon Lake" by Margaret Vandercook is a novel written in the early 20th century. This engaging tale follows a group of you...
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About the Author
Margaret O'Bannon Womack Vandercook was an American writer of children's literature.
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