"One Way" by Miriam Allen De Ford is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story delves into the emotional landscape of a couple, Frank and Lucy Sturt, as they grapple with their son Hal’s selection for the secretive and life-altering Lydna Project, which involves sending young people to the outer asteroids for colonization. The narrative examines themes of love, loss, sacrifice, and the complexities of human adaptation in the face of an unknown future. The plot unfolds as Frank and Lucy bid farewell to Hal, who is excited yet oblivious to the depth of their grief. During this poignant farewell, they reflect on their life together and the future he is about to embark on—one where communication with Earth will cease. As they face the impending loss, a surprise visit from Hal's former girlfriend, Bet, adds an unexpected twist. Together, they devise a plan for Bet to carry Hal's child, allowing a part of him to continue on Earth despite his departure. Ultimately, the novel explores the bittersweet nature of human connection and the lengths to which parents will go to keep a link to their child who is moving into an uncertain and potentially unrecognizable existence. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
One Way
By Miriam Allen De Ford
"One Way" by Miriam Allen De Ford is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story delves into the emotional landscape of a coupl...
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About the Author
Miriam Allen deFord was an American writer best known for her mysteries and science fiction. During the 1920s, she wrote for a number of left-wing magazines including The Masses, The Liberator, and the Federated Press Bulletin. Her short story, A Death in the Family, appeared on the second season, episode #2, segment one, of Night Gallery.
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