"The Babbington Case; Or, Nick Carter's Strange Quest" by Nicholas Carter is a detective novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story follows the renowned detective Nick Carter as he investigates a mysterious case involving the death of Edythe Lynne, the daughter of a wealthy man, under suspicious circumstances that suggest murder rather than suicide. The opening of the narrative introduces Nick Carter, who comes across tracks in the snow leading to a lavish estate known as Pleasantglades. Upon further investigation, he uncovers that a man had entered with a woman but only the man emerged, creating questions about the woman's fate. Following his instincts, Carter enters the property and discovers Edythe's lifeless body, apparently a victim of foul play disguised as a suicide. As Carter delves deeper, various connections and questions arise regarding her family and acquaintances, creating an intricate web of motives surrounding her tragic end. The stage is set for a gripping tale of deception, intrigue, and the quest for truth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Babbington case; Or, Nick Carter's strange quest
By Nicholas (House name) Carter
"The Babbington Case; Or, Nick Carter's Strange Quest" by Nicholas Carter is a detective novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story fol...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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