"Minnie's Pet Parrot" by Madeline Leslie is a children’s book likely written in the mid-19th century. This charming tale focuses on the life of a little girl named Minnie and her various beloved pets, particularly her pet parrot, Poll. The book is intended for a young audience and aims to instill a sense of kindness and compassion toward animals, while also introducing delightful anecdotes about their behaviors and traits. The story begins with Minnie, who lives in a cheerful household filled with pets, including a kitten, a dog, and a parrot. Each chapter presents whimsical tales highlighting the personality of Poll the parrot, known for her cleverness and mischievous antics. Through her interactions with her pets and her family, Minnie learns valuable lessons about empathy and affection. The narrative also features various anecdotes about other animals, emphasizing their uniqueness and intelligence, and showcases Minnie's love for nature. Overall, the book offers a lighthearted exploration of childhood joys and animal companionship, making it an engaging read for children who are fascinated with pets. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Minnie's Pet Parrot
By Madeline Leslie
"Minnie's Pet Parrot" by Madeline Leslie is a children’s book likely written in the mid-19th century. This charming tale focuses on the life of a litt...
Harriette Newell Woods Baker was an American author of books for children, and editor. Her career as an author began when she was about 30 years old. She devoted herself successfully to novels; but after about 15 years, she wrote popular religious literature. Her most famous book, Tim, the Scissors Grinder, sold half a million copies, and was translated into several languages. Baker published about 200 moral and religious tales under the pen name "Mrs. Madeline Leslie". She also wrote under her own name or initials, and under that of "Aunt Hattie". She wrote chiefly for the young, and was still writing in 1893 when she died.