"The Tale of Snowball Lamb" by Arthur Scott Bailey is a children's story written in the early 20th century, specifically in the 1920s. This engaging narrative falls into the category of children's literature, specifically tailored for young readers, likely aiming at an audience aged four to eight years. The book tells the delightful and whimsical tale of a lamb named Snowball, exploring themes of friendship, adventure, and the innocence of childhood. The story follows young Johnnie Green, who receives a white lamb named Snowball as a pet. The plot unfolds as Johnnie and Snowball develop a special bond, highlighting various adventures on the farm, including Snowball's amusing exploits with other animals like Old Dog Spot and the Muley Cow. Snowball's curiosity leads him into playful situations, such as trying to follow Johnnie to school and exploring the pasture with his newfound flock. Through these experiences, Snowball learns important lessons about friendship, acceptance, and the joy of being a young lamb in a vibrant farm environment, all while evoking laughter and charm for its young audience. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Tale of Snowball Lamb
By Arthur Scott Bailey
"The Tale of Snowball Lamb" by Arthur Scott Bailey is a children's story written in the early 20th century, specifically in the 1920s. This engaging n...
Arthur Scott Bailey was an American writer. He was the author of more than forty children's books. He was born in St. Albans, Vermont, United States, the second child of Winfield Scott Bailey and Harriet Sarah Goodhue. Winfield Bailey owned a dry goods shop that was stated to be "one of the most reputable of St. Albans mercantile concerns" and specialized in furs; namely ladies' fur coats, muffs and scarves. Bailey attended St. Albans Academy and graduated in 1896, in a class of only eleven other students. He then went on to the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, where he became involved in a fraternal organization, Sigma Phi.