"The Story of a New York House" by H. C. Bunner is a fictional narrative written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the lives of the Dolph family amidst the backdrop of a changing New York City, addressing themes of societal status and personal ambition through the experiences of Jacob Dolph, a merchant contemplating retirement and the implications of building a new house. Central characters include Jacob Dolph, his son, and other local merchants, particularly Abram Van Riper, who embodies the city's conservative values. At the start of the tale, we observe Jacob Dolph and Abram Van Riper engaging in a conversation discussing the progress of their lives and the changing social landscape in New York. The dialogue reveals Mr. Van Riper's dissatisfaction with the emerging genteel class represented by Jacob Dolph's desire to build a country house. As they navigate their notions of identity and social standing, other characters play pivotal roles, like the women in their lives who desire recognition and social connections. The opening sets the stage for exploring personal aspirations contrasted with societal expectations in a dynamically evolving urban setting. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Story of a New York House
By H. C. (Henry Cuyler) Bunner
"The Story of a New York House" by H. C. Bunner is a fictional narrative written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the lives of the ...
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About the Author
Henry Cuyler Bunner was an American novelist, journalist and poet. He is known mainly for Tower of Babel.
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