"Oh Mesmerist from Mimas!" by Roger D. Aycock is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The book explores themes of interplanetary trade and the bizarre effects of alien creatures on human behavior. The story is set in a futuristic universe filled with diverse extraterrestrial characters, offering a vibrant and imaginative backdrop for its narrative. The plot follows the adventures of Bill Bailey, a space prospector known as "Blaster Bill," who captures a peculiar creature known as a smiley from the moon Mimas. This smiley emits an aura that induces feelings of peace and brotherhood among those nearby. As Bailey attempts to sell the smiley, Joey, he finds himself in a web of complications involving a crooked financier named Hume Shanig, who covets Joey's unique effects for his own purposes. The story intensifies as Bailey navigates through kidnappings, corporate intrigue, and his own growing responsibility over the fate of the smiley. As the narrative unfolds, it explores ethical dilemmas surrounding the treatment of sentient beings and the consequences of manipulation, showcasing Bailey's journey not only for financial gain but also for moral resolution and personal growth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Oh Mesmerist From Mimas!
By Roger D. Aycock
"Oh Mesmerist from Mimas!" by Roger D. Aycock is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The book explores themes of interplanetary trade ...
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About the Author
Roger D. Aycock was an American author who wrote under the pseudonym Roger Dee. He primarily wrote science fiction.
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