"An Interloper" by Frances Mary Peard is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the Beaudrillart family, particularly focusing on the young heir, Leon, and the various challenges faced by the family, including financial troubles and societal expectations. The opening introduces readers to Monsieur Raoul, who appears to have a prominent yet ambiguous role as he explores the estate, setting the stage for the familial dynamics and conflicts. The opening of the novel presents a picturesque but fragile world at the Beaudrillart estate, where we meet Monsieur Raoul embarking on an inspection of the lands, which reveal the family's affluent past. A sense of unease permeates as the narrative shifts focus to the inner workings of the household, where Leon's carelessness and financial burdens begin to surface. This is compounded by the reactions of family members to his reckless behavior, particularly the stern expectations of his mother and sister, Claire. Amidst the ever-present anxiety regarding their declining fortunes, the familial ties and contrasting personalities emerge, foreshadowing deeper conflicts to unfold as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
An Interloper
By Frances Mary Peard
"An Interloper" by Frances Mary Peard is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the Beaudrillart family, particularly foc...
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About the Author
Frances Mary Peard was an English author and traveller who wrote over 40 works of fiction for children or adults between 1867 and 1909. Most were domestic novels or short-story volumes, often historical in nature and set abroad.
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