"The Magic of Oz" by L. Frank Baum is a children's novel written during the early 20th century, specifically in the 1910s. This enchanting story follows familiar characters from the Land of Oz, prominently featuring Dorothy, Trot, the Wizard, Cap'n Bill, and the Cowardly Lion, as they embark on a quest to find a unique birthday present for Princess Ozma. The opening of the book sets the stage with a whimsical prelude outlining the need for an extraordinary gift to celebrate Ozma's birthday. Dorothy and her companions engage in thoughtful discussions about potential presents, ultimately deciding on the quest for a rare and magical flower. The story introduces Kiki Aru, a young Hyup boy who possesses the magical ability to transform himself, sparking intrigue as he grapples with ambitions of leaving Mount Munch behind. Meanwhile, a nefarious scheme unfolds involving the Nome King, Ruggedo, and his plot against the citizens of Oz, suggesting an underlying conflict that promises adventure and suspense. This rich beginning hints at a vibrant journey filled with magic, friendship, and mischief that will captivate readers of all ages. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Magic of Oz
By L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
"The Magic of Oz" by L. Frank Baum is a children's novel written during the early 20th century, specifically in the 1910s. This enchanting story follo...
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About the Author
Lyman Frank Baum was an American author best known for his children's fantasy books, particularly The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, part of a series. In addition to the 14 Oz books, Baum penned 41 other novels, 83 short stories, over 200 poems, and at least 42 scripts. He made numerous attempts to bring his works to the stage and screen; the 1939 adaptation of the first Oz book became a landmark of 20th-century cinema.
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