"The Tale of Nimble Deer" by Arthur Scott Bailey is a children's story written in the early 20th century, contributing to the "Sleepy-Time Tales" series. The book is a charming narrative that focuses on the adventures of a young deer named Nimble. Its primary themes revolve around growth, family, and the excitement of exploration through nature, as well as the lessons learned about danger and the importance of parental guidance. The story follows Nimble, a fawn who is eager to venture into the world outside his mother's protective care. As he grows, he navigates various escapades, including planning trips to Farmer Green's garden for delicious carrots while dodging potential dangers like foxes and dogs. With his friends—from rabbits to bears—Nimble embarks on amusing quests, all while learning valuable life lessons about caution, obedience, and the joys of friendship. The narrative is filled with engaging characters and rich illustrations, making it an appealing read for children who enjoy animal tales and lessons about the natural world. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Tale of Nimble Deer Sleepy-Time Tales
By Arthur Scott Bailey
"The Tale of Nimble Deer" by Arthur Scott Bailey is a children's story written in the early 20th century, contributing to the "Sleepy-Time Tales" seri...
Arthur Scott Bailey was an American writer. He was the author of more than forty children's books. He was born in St. Albans, Vermont, United States, the second child of Winfield Scott Bailey and Harriet Sarah Goodhue. Winfield Bailey owned a dry goods shop that was stated to be "one of the most reputable of St. Albans mercantile concerns" and specialized in furs; namely ladies' fur coats, muffs and scarves. Bailey attended St. Albans Academy and graduated in 1896, in a class of only eleven other students. He then went on to the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, where he became involved in a fraternal organization, Sigma Phi.