"The Brown Owl: A Fairy Story" by Ford Madox Ford is a children's fairy tale written in the late 19th century. This whimsical narrative features Princess Ismara, the daughter of the powerful magician King Intafernes, who bequeaths to her a promise to cherish a mysterious Owl before his death. The story combines elements of magic, adventure, and character-driven drama, particularly revolving around the Princess's journey and her bond with the Owl, which plays a crucial role in the unfolding events of her kingdom. At the start of the tale, readers are introduced to the dying King Intafernes, who urges his daughter Ismara to respect and cherish the Owl, the significance of which remains ambiguous at this point. Following his death, the Princess grapples with her grief, encountering the Owl who behaves unusually in the chaotic aftermath of her father's passing. This includes a comical encounter with the court physician, who is mistakenly terrified of the Owl. The narrative sets the stage for further adventures and conflicts involving the Chancellor, Merrymineral, and establishes a magical realm filled with challenges and allegiances that the Princess must navigate as she comes of age and learns to embrace her newfound responsibilities. The opening portion cleverly blends humor, fantasy, and the tone of classic fairy tales, enticing readers into a world where magic and monarchy intertwine. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Brown Owl: A Fairy Story
By Ford Madox Ford
"The Brown Owl: A Fairy Story" by Ford Madox Ford is a children's fairy tale written in the late 19th century. This whimsical narrative features Princ...
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About the Author
Ford Madox Ford was an English novelist, poet, critic and editor whose journals The English Review and The Transatlantic Review were important in the development of early 20th-century English and American literature.
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