"Divided Skates" by Evelyn Raymond is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the charming and spirited young girl, Molly Johns, who inadvertently leads Miss Lucy Armacost, a dignified but lonely lady, to rethink her life when their paths cross during a roller skating incident. The narrative is likely to explore themes of friendship, kindness, and social disparities as the characters navigate their interactions and relationships within the contrasting settings of their lives. The opening of the book introduces us to Molly, who is skating joyfully when she collides with Miss Armacost, resulting in a fall that serves as the catalyst for their budding relationship. Initially perceived as a nuisance, Molly’s carefree nature and spontaneous affection surprise Miss Lucy, gradually leading her to reconsider her solitary existence. The narrative unfolds the charming exchange as they discuss various light topics, and the scene highlights their strikingly different worlds. As their interaction deepens, the groundwork is laid for Miss Lucy's transformation from a lonely aristocrat to a person willing to embrace a more engaging and compassionate life, particularly as the winter storm approaches, heightening the stakes for both characters. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Divided Skates
By Evelyn Raymond
"Divided Skates" by Evelyn Raymond is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the charming and spirited young girl, Molly ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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