"The Ballad of Blaster Bill" by Nelson S. Bond is a science fiction poem published in the early 1940s. This narrative verse explores themes of heroism, adventure, and the challenges of space travel, centering on a crew aboard a spaceship as they navigate through the dangers of outer space. The poem blends humor and drama, highlighting the relationship dynamics among the crew, particularly focusing on the titular character, Blaster Bill. The story unfolds aboard the freighter "Dotty Sue", where crew member Blaster Bill is portrayed as clumsy yet strong, often at odds with the Chief Engineer, McNeer. As they journey through the asteroids, a critical situation arises when a rogue asteroid threatens the ship. In a moment of tension, despite his previous incompetence, Bill decides to heroically take control of the ship's steering wheel to avoid disaster, sacrificing himself in the process. Ultimately, the crew commends Bill's bravery and determination, raising their arms in salute to honor his memory as they see a light in space—a testament to his heroic actions that saved them all. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Ballad of Blaster Bill
By Nelson S. Bond
"The Ballad of Blaster Bill" by Nelson S. Bond is a science fiction poem published in the early 1940s. This narrative verse explores themes of heroism...
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About the Author
Nelson Slade Bond was an American writer. His works included books, magazine articles, and scripts used in radio, for television and on the stage.
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