"The Log House by the Lake: A Tale of Canada" by William Henry Giles Kingston is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows the Ashton family, who, after losing their inherited wealth in a law case, decide to emigrate to Canada in search of a new life. As they settle into their new home in a humble log house by a lake, the family faces various adventures and challenges, particularly as they adapt to the rigors of backwoods living and the changing seasons. The opening of the novel introduces us to Mr. Philip Ashton, who returns home to deliver distressing news to his family: they have lost their wealth due to a court ruling. Despite the somber news, the Ashton children respond with optimism, volunteering to work and suggesting a move to Canada for a fresh start. Their journey to Canada begins shortly after, highlighting their resilience and determination to embrace their new life. As they arrive in Quebec and embark on a journey through the wilderness, the family members display camaraderie and adaptability, setting the stage for their life in the log house. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Log House by the Lake: A Tale of Canada
By William Henry Giles Kingston
"The Log House by the Lake: A Tale of Canada" by William Henry Giles Kingston is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows the Ashto...
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About the Author
William Henry Giles Kingston, often credited as W. H. G. Kingston, was an English writer of boys' adventure novels.
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