Michael Shaara
Michael Shaara was an American author of science fiction, sports fiction, and historical fiction. He was born to an Italian immigrant father in Jersey City, New Jersey, graduated in 1951 from Rutgers University, where he joined Theta Chi, and served as a sergeant in the 82nd Airborne Division prior to the Korean War.
Soldier Boy
"Soldier Boy" by Michael Shaara is a science fiction novel written during the early 1950s. The book explores themes of courage, the realities of warfa...
By Michael Shaara
The Book
"The Book" by Michael Shaara is a science fiction narrative written in the early to mid-20th century. The story follows the journey of a young navigat...
By Michael Shaara
"Wainer" by Michael Shaara is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The book explores the life of William Wainer, a man deemed a "Reject...
By Michael Shaara
The Sling and the Stone
"The Sling and the Stone" by Michael Shaara is a science fiction narrative likely written in the early 1950s. The book explores themes of warfare, spa...
By Michael Shaara
The Vanisher
"The Vanisher" by Michael Shaara is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around Lieutenant Augustus Webster Hil...
By Michael Shaara
Conquest Over Time
"Conquest Over Time" by Michael Shaara is a science fiction novel written during the mid-20th century. The story unfolds against the backdrop of space...
By Michael Shaara
Citizen Jell
"Citizen Jell" by Michael Shaara is a science fiction novella written during the mid-20th century. The story revolves around Mr. Jell, an elderly man ...
By Michael Shaara
Man of Distinction
"Man of Distinction" by Michael Shaara is a science fiction novella written during the mid-20th century. The narrative explores themes of identity and...
By Michael Shaara
Orphans of the Void
"Orphans of the Void" by Michael Shaara is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The narrative centers around Captain Steffens and his c...
By Michael Shaara