"The Antiquary — Volume 02" by Sir Walter Scott is a historical novel written during the early 19th century. The story revolves around Mr. Oldbuck, an antiquarian and collector, as he navigates various personal and social challenges in his life. The opening portion of this volume introduces situations filled with comedic and dramatic interactions among the characters, hinting at themes of societal conflict, curiosity about the past, and the intertwining of personal relationships with antiquity. The opening of this volume begins with Mr. Oldbuck expressing his frustration over the chaos in his household, particularly related to his nephew, Captain M'Intyre, and the arrival of distinguished guests. We see Oldbuck's antiquarian pursuits take center stage as he engages with both family and local figures, emphasizing his worries over his antiquarian work being interrupted. As the story progresses, the plot thickens with discussions about treasure hunting and the motivations behind characters' actions, especially leading to a dramatic exploration of the ruins of St. Ruth, where the discovery in a grave could reshape fortunes and reveal hidden histories. The interplay of humor, character dynamics, and a touch of mystery introduces readers to a richly drawn world where the past and present collide. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Antiquary — Volume 02
By Walter Scott
"The Antiquary — Volume 02" by Sir Walter Scott is a historical novel written during the early 19th century. The story revolves around Mr. Oldbuck, an...
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About the Author
Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet, was a British novelist, poet and historian. Many of his works remain classics of European and Scottish literature, notably the novels Ivanhoe (1819), Rob Roy (1817), Waverley (1814), Old Mortality (1816), The Heart of Mid-Lothian (1818), and The Bride of Lammermoor (1819), along with the narrative poems Marmion (1808) and The Lady of the Lake (1810). He had a major impact on European and American literature.
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