"The White Cat" by W. W. Jacobs is a short story written during the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds in a rural English village and revolves around themes of property, greed, and the human-animal bond. It presents a humorous take on how a man's fortune hinges on the well-being of an incredibly pampered cat. In the story, the focus is primarily on Joe Clark and his uncle Clark's prized possession—a white cat with one yellow and one blue eye. When old Clark dies, he leaves Joe a lucrative inheritance contingent on the cat's survival, necessitating that George Barstow, the cat's caretaker, keeps it alive. The narrative explores the humorous lengths to which George goes to protect the cat from perceived threats, including neighbors who might have malice towards it. As the cat goes missing, the village erupts into a chaotic, comedic hunt for the feline, leading to revelations about greed and the absurdities surrounding the neighbors’ dealings. Ultimately, both George and Joe learn that love for the cat may lead to unintended consequences, culminating in a poignant ending. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The White Cat Captains All, Book 10.
By W. W. (William Wymark) Jacobs
"The White Cat" by W. W. Jacobs is a short story written during the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds in a rural English village and revolves ...
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About the Author
William Wymark Jacobs was an English author of short fiction and drama. He is best known for his story "The Monkey's Paw".
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