"Retief of the Red-Tape Mountain" by Keith Laumer is a science fiction novella penned in the early 1960s. This book centers around the themes of diplomacy, conflict resolution, and the absurdities of bureaucratic procedures as the protagonist navigates interspecies tensions and misunderstandings on a distant planet. The story follows Vice-Consul Retief, who is dispatched to the troubled world of Adobe to mediate a crisis between human settlers and the indigenous alien species known as the Flap-jacks. As he arrives, Retief finds himself amidst ongoing conflict, including a war initiated by misunderstandings and unprovoked violence. Utilizing his diplomatic skills, Retief cleverly restructures the situation, leading to a comical yet effective resolution involving food, drink, and a rather unconventional sporting contest, ultimately securing peace and a new agreement that honors both the settlers and the Flap-jacks. Through humor and wit, Laumer explores how effective communication can triumph over red tape, showcasing the often ridiculous nature of bureaucratic protocols in a fantastical setting. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Retief of the Red-Tape Mountain
By Keith Laumer
"Retief of the Red-Tape Mountain" by Keith Laumer is a science fiction novella penned in the early 1960s. This book centers around the themes of diplo...
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About the Author
John Keith Laumer was an American science fiction author. Prior to becoming a full-time writer, he was an officer in the United States Air Force and a diplomat in the United States Foreign Service. His older brother March Laumer was also a writer, known for his adult reinterpretations of the Land of Oz. Frank Laumer, their youngest brother, is a historian and writer.
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