"The Bears of Blue River" by Charles Major is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a young boy named Balser Brent, who lives in Indiana during the 1820s, a time characterized by untamed wilderness and the struggles of early settlers. The book follows Balser's adventures, particularly his encounters with bears and other wildlife, as he navigates the challenges and excitement of life in the frontier. At the start of the narrative, we are introduced to Balser and his family, who live in a log cabin near the Big Blue River. The opening portion of the book sets the scene of this rustic life, highlighting the natural beauty and dangers that surround them. Balser, at about thirteen years old, is depicted as a courageous and somewhat impulsive boy who has dreams of hunting bears. The initial conflict arises as Balser attempts to catch fish but encounters a huge black bear, leading to a tense and thrilling showdown that marks the beginning of his adventures in the wilderness. This encounter not only establishes Balser's bravery but also foreshadows the challenges he will face in his quest to overcome the formidable wildlife in the region. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Bears of Blue River
By Charles Major
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
"The Bears of Blue River" by Charles Major is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a young boy named Balser Brent, who...
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About the Author
Charles Major was an American lawyer and novelist.
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