"Shamar's War" by Kris Neville is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. Set in the year 2346, during a time when Earth has united under a political democracy, the story explores the themes of political intervention and revolutionary change. The narrative focuses on the journey of Captain Merle S. Shaeffer, an Earth man sent covertly to the technologically advanced planet Itra with a mission to inspire revolution against its oppressive government. The plot follows Shaeffer, who adopts the alias Shamar the Worker as he infiltrates Itra. Trained in the Itraian language and culture, he faces numerous challenges while trying to understand and interact with the local population. Throughout his journey, he encounters Ge-Ge, an Itraian woman who becomes a significant figure in his life, complicating his mission as they develop a deep emotional connection. As their relationship grows, Shaeffer must navigate the precarious political landscape, with revelations about the complexities of Itraian society and the ramifications of his actions on a larger scale. The story culminates in a dramatic shift in Itra's governance while raising questions about identity, loyalty, and the price of freedom. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Shamar's War
By Kris Neville
"Shamar's War" by Kris Neville is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. Set in the year 2346, during a time when Earth has united under ...
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About the Author
Kris Ottman Neville was an American science fiction writer from California.
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