"The Rambler Club's Motor Car" by W. Crispin Sheppard is a children's adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of boys from the Rambler Club, particularly Bob Somers, Dave Brandon, and Tom Clifton, as they set off on a journey from Chicago to Wisconsin in a motor car. The narrative promises excitement as the characters encounter various adventures and challenges along their trip. At the start of the book, we are introduced to Victor Collins, who eagerly anticipates joining his friends for their journey. The boys, after previously enjoying a house-boat trip, are ready for more adventures. Their fun begins as they prepare to set off in a luxurious touring car, filled with playful banter and camaraderie. However, we quickly learn that mischief and competition are afoot, especially with Tom Clifton harboring ambitions to prove himself to the group. The opening chapters establish a lively and dynamic friendship, hinting at the spirited escapades and potential conflicts that will unfold as they embark on their road trip. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Rambler Club's motor car
By W. Crispin (William Crispin) Sheppard
Illustrated by the author.
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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