"Milly and Olly" by Mrs. Humphry Ward is a children's novel likely written in the late 19th century. The story centers around two young siblings, Milly and Olly, who are filled with curiosity and excitement as they embark on a journey to the mountains with their family. Throughout the book, their adventures and interactions depict the innocence of childhood alongside the beauty of the natural world. The opening of the story introduces us to Milly, a sensible six-year-old, and her younger brother Olly, who is nearly five. Their mother calls them into the drawing-room, where they learn about a special family trip to the mountains, a journey they are eager to undertake despite Olly's initial preference for the sea. As they prepare for their adventure, their youthful imaginations and plans for what they will take along reveal their infectious excitement. The chapter sets a light-hearted tone, filled with playful banter between the siblings and their mother, capturing the essence of childhood wonder as they look forward to new experiences in nature. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Milly and Olly
By Humphry Ward
"Milly and Olly" by Mrs. Humphry Ward is a children's novel likely written in the late 19th century. The story centers around two young siblings, Mill...
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About the Author
Mary Augusta Ward was a British novelist who wrote under her married name as Mrs Humphry Ward. She worked to improve education for the poor setting up a Settlement in London and in 1908 she became the founding President of the Women's National Anti-Suffrage League.
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