"A Voyage Round the World" by William Henry Giles Kingston is a boys' adventure novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows a young boy named Harry Hopeton, who dreams of adventure at sea after being inspired by a family friend, Captain Frankland, a seasoned navigator. As Harry prepares for his first maritime journey aboard the ship Triton, he bids farewell to his beloved family, eager for the experiences that await him. The opening portion of the book introduces Harry's idyllic home life, filled with fond memories of his playful siblings and devoted parents. On the day of his departure, Harry is filled with mixed emotions as he leaves behind his family for the excitement of life at sea. Captain Frankland assures Harry of his capabilities and readiness to guide him during the voyage. After encouraging him to focus on his studies, Captain Frankland ultimately supports Harry's ambition to join him and navigate the world. This beginning sets the stage for Harry's transformation from a wistful boy into an adventurous sailor, tackling new challenges and discovering far-off lands. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Voyage round the World A book for boys
By William Henry Giles Kingston
"A Voyage Round the World" by William Henry Giles Kingston is a boys' adventure novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows a young boy ...
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About the Author
William Henry Giles Kingston, often credited as W. H. G. Kingston, was an English writer of boys' adventure novels.
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