"The Yellow Frigate; or, The Three Sisters" by James Grant is a historical novel set in the late 19th century. This narrative revolves around the lives of three sisters in Scotland during the tumultuous times of King James III, laying the groundwork for a tale filled with adventure, romance, and the intricate dynamics of noble society. As the plot unfolds, it promises to delve into their stories as they navigate love, loss, and the political intrigues of the era. The opening of the story paints a vivid picture of a serene Scottish village near the Allan River, steeped in history and melancholy, where the spirits of the past linger among the ruins of an old cathedral. It introduces the three sisters, whose lives are intertwined with the fates of brave soldiers and nobles, and hints at the mystery surrounding their destinies. As the narrative unfolds on a Kingβs warship, it introduces notable characters like Captain Robert Barton and Sir David Falconer, bringing forth elements of maritime adventure as they prepare for their return to the tumultuous political landscape of Scotland. This blend of personal and historical events sets the stage for an engaging read for those interested in historical fiction infused with romance and adventure. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Yellow Frigate; or, The Three Sisters
By James Grant
"The Yellow Frigate; or, The Three Sisters" by James Grant is a historical novel set in the late 19th century. This narrative revolves around the live...
James Grant (1822β1887) was a Scottish novelist and miscellaneous writer.
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