"The Yates Pride: A Romance" by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman is a novel written in the late 19th century, during the Victorian era. The story revolves around themes of love, societal expectations, and personal pride, focusing on the life of Eudora Yates, a woman who, after years of solitude, considers the prospect of renewed love through the re-emergence of a past suitor, Harry Lawton. The narrative unfolds in a small New England town where gossiping women speculate about Eudora's life choices and her recent decision to adopt a baby, an act filled with both intrigue and societal critique. As the plot progresses, the long-unspoken feelings between Eudora and Harry are reignited, challenging their understanding of love, identity, and fulfillment in the face of time and personal pride. The story deftly balances the themes of romance and personal dignity with societal expectations, ultimately leading to Eudora's courageous decision to embrace both motherhood and the possibility of marriage, while acknowledging the shadows of her past. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Yates Pride: A Romance
By Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
"The Yates Pride: A Romance" by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman is a novel written in the late 19th century, during the Victorian era. The story revolves...
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman was an American author.
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