"In the Desert of Waiting: The Legend of Camel-back Mountain" by Annie F. Johnston is a philosophical fable written in the early 20th century. This narrative explores themes of patience, ambition, and personal growth through the journey of a young merchant named Shapur who finds himself stranded in the desert with his injured camel. The story illustrates the transformative power of waiting, showcasing how worthwhile insights and personal strength can emerge from difficult circumstances. The tale follows Shapur, who longs to reach the City of his Desire but is hindered by misfortune when his camel becomes lame. Instead of despairing, he meets an alchemist named Omar, who teaches him the value of patience through the labor of harvesting rose petals to create a precious attar. Over time, Shapur learns that his time spent waiting is not wasted; rather, it offers him profound lessons and the opportunity to distill sweetness from his struggles. Eventually, he gains the ability to enter the city not as a mere vendor of salt, but as an “Apostle of Alchemy,” equipped with knowledge and compassion for others. He becomes a beacon of hope for those facing their own deserts of waiting, imparting the wisdom he gained during his time of trial. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
In the Desert of Waiting: The Legend of Camel-back Mountain
By Annie F. (Annie Fellows) Johnston
"In the Desert of Waiting: The Legend of Camel-back Mountain" by Annie F. Johnston is a philosophical fable written in the early 20th century. This na...
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About the Author
Annie Fellows Johnston was an American author of children's fiction who wrote the popular The Little Colonel series, which was the basis for the 1935 Shirley Temple film The Little Colonel; many of the books were illustrated by photographer Kate Matthews. She was born and grew up in McCutchanville, Indiana, a small unincorporated town near Evansville, Indiana.
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